
  1. Contact us at api@mysasy.com to register your application, set up Callback URL and receive your Client secret and Application ID.
  2. Now, you can use endpoint /developer and make your first succesful API call.
  3. Start building your application by obtaining user's Auth token via procedure described bellow.
  4. Done. With valid Auth token, you can call all remaining API endpoints.

How to obtain user's Auth token

From your application, prompt user to log in to mySASY website and give consent to the requesting application (your application). Redirect your user to URL https://client.mysasy.com/profile/connect/idOfYourApplication, where idOfYourApplication you will receive from us.

This is what your user will see:

After the users accepts or rejects the authorization request, mySASY redirects the user to a Callback URL specified during registration of your application.

In Callback URL, there will be added:

This is example of response via Callback URL: